Saturday, April 25, 2009

How it all started...............

I dont like gardening! Everything that I had planted all perished!!!!!! One day I visited my sister and was taken by Echeveria she had in her garden. I got some cutting off her and planted in my rock garden. The plant grew and grew without much care and effort. One day at work a colleague of mine was talking about succulents and invited me to his place to check out his plants. From that day onwards I was HOOK!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! My blog is mostly about my succulnts also, and my dog, family and other plants and flowers I find in my yard and around town! I love your garden area! I also have two Buddhas in my yard! I have tire succulent gardens in full sun, and quite a few in my screenroom as well, where they can only take partial shade. I have had to experiment to see which could take the full sun! Anyway, I have enjoyed the sux so much, and glad to have found you and your blog (I have a Google Alert set up that e-mails me every post that is about suculents). It's a great way to find like-minded people! Come over and meet my dog and check out my plants! I am in south Florida!
